Tuesday, September 1, 2015

11 - Why Our Friendship Didn't End

Eleven episodes is a milestone. We are going to talk about firsts, from jobs, to high school, projects, first meeting each other, and clashing over a project.
Gangs of New York was the spark that began Ward's love for movies, and Kids showed Eric that movies can be more than Indiana Jones and James Bond.

Also, Ward really wants to make videos, including a bug out bag video, a 'static man' horror, and a Shell gas station commercial.
Ward needs more work for some inexplicable reason and suggests a banner on our social media sites that he updates and adds to as we accumulate followers.
If only there was more time for DVD commentary. It's the something that Netflix really needs!

And floppy drives, who remembers those? Changing diapers? We've got something for everyone in this episode.

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